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GMO - Bring the gospel to every corner of Haiti

In every community, on every street, until all Haiti has heard

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. And because of this, many groups have tried to bring relief to the island nation. Often they come for a week or two, and then leave.

And the problems persist.

But you have a chance, right now, to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of Haitians.

By partnering with local churches and establishing strong and lasting partnerships, you can plant a seed that won’t wither over time.

And that seed has already begun to grow and blossom. The work in Haiti is underway in three of the country’s ten states. And for Normil and her husband Pierre, it has made an eternal difference.

Just a couple months ago, Normil and Pierre were in complete and utter despair. Together, they lived a life of sin, in open opposition to Christ. They knew the way they were living was wrong, and the home they were providing for their five kids was unhealthy, but they refused to give their lives to Christ.

Then, one day, the gangs that have overtaken the country kidnapped Pierre.

Normil sat in their home weeping, worrying, and wondering if she would ever see the father of her five children ever again. She was also filled with regret. She remembered conversations they had about leaving their life of sin, getting married, and committing their lives to Jesus. “Is it too late?” she thought.

It wasn’t.

Pierre managed to escape his captors and return home to his family. Once reunited, he and his wife decided to attend their local church. There they met some of ShareWord Global’s partners, and their lives haven’t been the same since.

“I thank God for that convention that was held in the church. Thanks to the training of the two pastors who came from Port-au-Prince, I felt very touched by the Holy Spirit,” Pierre said.

“I saw the need to restore, and live for the glory of God. And my wife also felt it, and moved forward to be restored with me."

Now, Pierre and Normil are committed to sharing what they were given that day with the world around them. Normil has even written out a list of people God has put on her heart to share the gospel with.

Their story is one of victory, but sadly, the resources and training that changed their lives are not available to all Haitians. Right now we are only working in one-third of the country. That means two-thirds of Haitian states are still waiting for the hope-giving gospel resources that led Pierre and Normil to salvation.

In these additional states there are already 200 churches who are desperate for the training and resources they need to reach their communities. They’ve reached out and asked for it. There’s just one thing that’s needed: money.

That’s how you can make a difference today. Because your gift isn’t just financial—it’s a relational investment in the Haitian Church. You will build up local believers who know the culture, who live in these neighbourhoods, and who aren’t going to leave. By making the training and resources that changed Pierre and Normil’s lives available in every corner of the country, you change this nation for good.

  • $60 will ensure local church partners share the gospel with Scripture with 10 people in their community.
  • $150 will print 25 Creole language Spark magazines so people can read the gospel for themselves in their ‘heart language.’
  • $240 will provide one of the 200 churches looking for partnership with an invaluable Grow Your Church kit that will help the congregation reach their community with the gospel.





Call us at: 519.823.1140
Or toll-free at: 1.888.482.4253
Mail your cheque to: PO Box 3619, Guelph, ON, N1H 7A2

Spending of funds is confined to Board approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards a Board approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Board, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most. Read our Ethical Fundraising Policy here.

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Telephone: 519.823.1140
Toll-free: 1.888.482.4253

Office Hours: Monday-Friday,
9:00am-4:30pm ET


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Canadian Centre for Christian Charities